Breyta Blog: 7 Amazing Benefits of Group Therapy

7 Amazing Benefits of Group Therapy

By Katherine Bracken, Ph.D.

Therapy can be challenging, and the benefits are well-known. When we picture “going to therapy,” we often think of individual therapy: a one-on-one interaction that requires vulnerability, a willingness to reflect on oneself, and the ability to open up while tolerating the uncertainty of how your therapist may respond. Yet, there are also incredible benefits to group therapy that make it an invaluable resource for your mental health. In fact, research has demonstrated that group therapy is as effective as individual therapy. Recent studies show that therapy in a group can be just as good as therapy one-on-one for all kinds of mental health issues. Looking at a big bunch of research—329 studies, to be exact—they found that whether it’s feeling really down or anxious, having trouble with eating behavior, struggling with addiction, or dealing with pain that doesn’t go away, joining a therapy group can really help. This includes help for severe mood swings, schizophrenia, fears that won’t go away, obsessive thoughts, trauma from past events, and difficulties in how you see yourself and relate to others (Rosendahl, J., et al., The American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 74, No. 2, 2021).

Group therapy can be a whole other ballgame: more people, unpredictability, and uncertainty about belonging. Clients may question whether it will really benefit them and therefore be worth the risk. As a therapist, I cannot guarantee any outcome, whether for individual therapy or group therapy. However, based on my experiences as a group leader and feedback I have heard from group therapy clients, I can offer some benefits to consider when trying to decide whether to take the leap and join a group.

Validation from others

Validation is a cornerstone of emotional healing.

Validation is a recognition that your internal experiences make sense (See The Power of Self-Validation blog post for more details). Many of us are frequently navigating spaces, relationships, and situations that result in invalidation, leaving us thinking “I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I shouldn’t feel this way.” Group therapy can be an antidote to these experiences, a place in which it is safe to express something and to have others genuinely respond with validation and support. This can be a particularly powerful and healing experience for some. Consistent validation in a group setting over time can help increase sense of safety, sense of belonging, confidence in navigating your internal experiences, and an ability to recover more easily from moments of invalidation or emotional pain. 

Discover how group therapy can transform your sense of self-worth and belonging. Contact us to learn more.

Hearing others’ perspectives

Expanding your horizon through the experiences of others is invaluable.

I have had countless clients who state that this is one of the most beneficial aspects of group therapy. We can easily get caught up in our own ways of perceiving things, other people, and the world. Clients can benefit greatly from hearing other clients’ points of view and different ways of coping with situations in the safe context of group therapy. Sometimes hearing someone else’s perspective allows us to have more empathy for ourselves or other people in our lives, or it can help us expand how we think about a problem that we have been stuck on for a while. 

Ready to broaden your perspectives? Explore our group therapy sessions and enrich your understanding.

Reinforcement from others

Celebrate your victories and navigate challenges with a supportive community.

Group therapy is not just a place for processing difficulties, challenges, or problems. It is also a place to celebrate moments of success, joy, or accomplishment, and to have a group of people who are cheering you on and sharing in your celebration. This process can be very rewarding and help sustain growth and change over the long term.

Join our group therapy and experience the power of shared triumphs. Reach out for session details.

Group therapy builds community

A sense of belonging and mutual support distinguishes group therapy.

Not only would you receive validation/reinforcement/perspectives from others, but in group therapy you would also have the opportunity to do so in return. This reciprocal support in group therapy is what makes it truly different from individual therapy. There can be a strong sense of community among group members, which can be healing for some who have struggled in the past with a sense of connection and belonging with others. You are not alone.

Connect with others who understand. Inquire about our group therapy programs today.

A safety net

Practice and grow in a secure environment.

Group therapy offers the opportunity to practice skills and be vulnerable with others in the safety of the group, which then builds confidence to be able to use those skills in less predictable spaces outside of group. This is also why many clients choose to do group therapy as a supplement to their individual therapy. Changing your own behaviors and responses can be scary to do (again, the uncertainty!) and group therapy can be the safety net to help reduce fear and make change easier. 

Embrace change with confidence. Learn more about supplementing your growth with group therapy.

Support through motivational swings

Engagement tailored to your needs.

In individual therapy, people sometimes feel more pressure to be “on” due to the one-on-one nature of the interaction. In group therapy, though it’s important to keep in mind you get out of it what you put into it, when it comes to session-to-session moments you can sit back and passively participate (e.g., observe, take in information while another member is receiving support). In fact, several times I have had a client show up and share with the group that they almost didn’t attend that day because they were feeling low motivation, and other group members tend to respond with validation and support. These experiences can help clients build resiliency and recover more quickly.

Find balance and support in our group therapy sessions. Contact us for more information.

Lower cost

Maximize the value of therapy.

Group therapy sessions tend to be less financially burdensome than individual therapy, since the cost of the therapy hour can be disseminated across group members instead of on one individual. (In my opinion, it’s a steal – you are getting more support from more people at a lower cost!).

Experience comprehensive support at a lower cost. Discover our group therapy options.

As a group leader, I am there to ensure group members are comfortable, and that everyone in the group

feels heard and supported. If you are considering group therapy and have additional questions about

what is involved, I am happy to schedule a free 15-minute consultation call. Please click here for more information about current group therapy offerings. If you’d like to reach out to us with questions, to schedule a consultation call, or join a group, contact us at (919)245-7791 x5 or send us a message.


Dr. Katherine Bracken is a seasoned clinical psychologist specializing in DBT and trauma-informed care. She excels in the treatment of PTSD, mood, anxiety, and personality disorders. She offers individual therapy, group therapy, and psychological assessment in-person and via telehealth in North Carolina and PSYPACT states. If you would like to learn more about Dr. Bracken, you can read her bio here.


  1. Rosendahl, J., Alldredge, C. T., Burlingame, G. M., & Strauss, B. (2021). Recent Developments in Group Psychotherapy Research. American journal of psychotherapy, 74(2), 52–59.