Is It Burnout: 7 Ways to Tell If You Need Help

How Do I Know If I’m Suffering From Burnout?

Burnout is a form of chronic stress that can affect anyone. It’s not just for CEOs and other high-powered professionals: it can happen to anyone who feels like they’re overworked, overstressed, and depleted of energy. The signs might be subtle at first—you may feel like you’re having trouble concentrating or remembering things—but they can quickly snowball into full-blown anxiety and depression if left untreated. Luckily, burnout isn’t something that should be left untreated! Whether your symptoms are mild or severe, there are ways to identify and treat this condition before it gets worse.

You’re feeling completely overwhelmed.

  • You’re feeling completely overwhelmed. Part of the problem with burnout is that it sneaks up on you. If you’re feeling like your life is out of control, take a step back and look at your responsibilities. Are you really doing what you want to be doing? Do any of them feel like a burden instead of something that brings joy? If so, then there might be cracks in your work-life balance that need some serious attention.
  • You’ve lost sight of who’s important in life and why. As we mentioned above, when someone becomes burned out by their job or other aspects of their lives, they lose sight of what’s important: family and friends—and sometimes even themselves! Take time each week to reflect on those relationships—those people who make life worth living—and find ways to preserve them amidst all the chaos going on around them (like getting enough sleep).
A professional woman is stressed at work and suffering from burnout.

You can’t stop worrying.

Worrying is a natural response to stress. It’s how your mind and body try to protect themselves from harm and manage their resources during periods of high stress. But when worry becomes a habit, it can take on a life of its own—one that’s far more damaging than helpful. And when you’re burned out, worrying can become a full-blown obsession. So what do you do?

To start with: Try not to worry about things you have no control over (that’s what they call “paralysis by analysis”). If something is within your control, there may be something that needs changing in order to make things better (like removing yourself from an environment that stresses you out). If nothing feels within your control but there are still some things you can change (such as making sure those around us understand how we feel or reshaping our schedules so we aren’t constantly running into deadlines), then begin working on those changes one step at time until everything comes together like magic!

You’re exhausted all the time.

If you’re exhausted all the time, it could be a sign of burnout. The exhaustion caused by burnout can lead to other symptoms, including insomnia and depression. There are many different causes for exhaustion—physical factors (like lack of sleep) or mental ones (like stress). While burnout can be caused by any number of things that increase your stress level, there are some common culprits that lead to feelings of overwhelming fatigue.

You feel like you’re losing touch with yourself and your emotions.

The first step towards feeling better is reaching out to others. Sharing your feelings is an important part of managing burnout, so don’t be afraid to talk about how you feel. If a friend or co-worker asks how things are going at work, take the opportunity to open up and let them know how you’re doing.

If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by stress, it’s important not to bottle up your emotions and try managing them on your own. Taking a break from work can help alleviate these feelings of stress and anxiety while also giving you time away from the office where there isn’t any pressure from colleagues or bosses pressuring you into working more hours than necessary (or even none).

You’re becoming more pessimistic and cynical.

You’re becoming more cynical. Cynicism is a defense mechanism to protect yourself from the pain of rejection, but it can also be a sign of depression and trauma or abuse. If you’ve suffered from past trauma or abuse, cynicism may be a sign that your system is overloaded with stress hormones and chemicals like cortisol that don’t go away easily.

Burnout happens when we are constantly under pressure to perform at our best and then can no longer do so because we’re exhausted. Our bodies are designed to handle stress and pressure; they get stronger when they’re challenged by new situations or tasks that require us to adapt quickly in order to learn from mistakes instead of giving up on something altogether because there’s no point trying again if we’ll just fail anyway.”

It’s harder to concentrate than ever before.

The following are signs that you may be suffering from burnout:

  • It’s harder than ever to concentrate on a task. For example, it might seem like you have to force yourself to pay attention in class or at work, and even then it’s difficult for your mind to stay focused on one thing for very long.
  • You find yourself daydreaming more often than usual. Your thoughts drift off into unrelated ideas or fantasies more frequently than they used to, especially when working on tasks that require a lot of concentration (like reading).

The good things in life seem dimmer than usual.

If you’re suffering from burnout, you may find that the good things in life seem dimmer than usual. This can include any of the following:

  • You may not be as happy as you used to be.
  • You may not get excited about things like you used to.
  • You may find that your work is no longer exciting, or even interesting.

Burnout can happen to anyone, and it’s important to seek help early on.

Burnout is a very real thing, and it can affect anyone. While some people may think that burnout is just a phase, or something that will go away if you ignore it, the truth is that burnout often leads to serious health problems, strained relationships and lost productivity at work. If you suspect that you might be suffering from burnout, it’s important to seek help as soon as possible before things get any worse.


If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s important to seek help right away. Don’t wait until your burnout has reached the point where it’s affecting your job performance or taking a toll on your health. If you’re not sure where to start, consider reaching out to a trusted friend or family member who can listen while you vent about what’s going on in your life. You may also want to consider seeking out outside resources like therapy or counseling sessions with our psychologists who are trained specifically in dealing with burnout cases like yours!

Whether you are recognizing burnout is firmly in place and need to address its aftermath and heal, or you are interested in more preventative measures and stress management, reach out to us today to learn more about how we can help you become resilient to stress and bounce back stronger than ever. Call us at (919) 899-0471 x5 or contact us via email to schedule or get your questions answered.